- Gearless Elevators
(without machine room) - Gearless Elevators
(with machine room)
ATLANTA has devised service and modernization packages to ensure the performance of Elevators and Escalators to the contracted specifications right from their birth till they retire or become due for Upgradation / Modernization. Highly qualified and trained professionals periodically carry out safety / technical audits and evaluate the health of the equipment to enable them to take corrective timely actions so as to ensure maximum availability of vertical transportation systems with bare minimum down time. Our experts also advise the users, depending upon the status of the health of the equipments, to opt for upgradation or modernization whenever warranted. We have therefore, developed a comprehensive service concept with individual modules to help the users to reduce operating costs and guarantee availability of Elevators and Escalators for many years with focus on Safety and Security. The Services are carried out only by qualified and trained professionals for -
- Trouble - free Operation and to keep it user - friendly.
- Regular inspection.
- Regular maintenance with technical safety checks.
- Immediate repairs if defects detected.
ATLANTA offers wider choice of service contracts which are user friendly and cost effective and ensures preventive maintenance, spare parts replacements, repairs, breakdowns attendance, periodical audits and participation in statutory inspection by Govt. licensing authorities whenever needed and other special services depending upon the type of contract signed by and between ATLANTA and the Users.
Besides caring for the safety and security of the people, ATLANTA provides careful attention to the quality and cleanliness of the installations. The finish of the machine rooms, shafts and pits are silent witnesses who speak volumes of ATLANTA self-imposed standards and are great attractions for the customers.